Saturday, April 19, 2014

Blog 10: Tragety of Globalization

As globalization has increased, markets have been created for "rare" and "exotic" luxuries. This had led to the extinction of many animals. Poachers come from around the world to get their hands in this market and it comes at a cost. Some are eager to put a ban on poaching everywhere to preserve these animals, which sounds great right? Well as of January, a ban came into effect prohibiting all hunting in the southern African country except on game farms or ranches. This sounds like it would be a good thing, but on the other side of this, the people who have lived off the land and these animals for millions of years are now the ones endangered.

This is a prime example of how globalization can be seen a as a downfall. It had turned an entire culture upside down. These poachers came in and are responsible for the loss of all these animals that are now endangered. The effect of these outsiders has come to the cost of the people who live there more than anything. The poachers can go and poach somewhere else, but this culture has nowhere to go. Yes, these rules were put in place because save the animals, but you can't do that without destroying the people who were sustaining the land just fine. As one of the As one of the bushpeople said, "We cannot damage the wildlife. If we kill one animal we eat it for a month. “These people even started getting arrested for killing animals. It’s sad that these people, who were not doing anything wrong, didn’t even get a say to what was going to be happening to them. And this was on an international level, so it wasn’t just a corrupt government. What sad is that they are still allowing controlled game hunting. They are still allowing people to kill these animals for fun, but ignoring the people that need the animals to survive.

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